Hello, and welcome back to issue #3 of Active Governance. I’ve been really enjoying writing this newsletter as I review the latest proposals from the DAO.
Nouns have been proving to be such a great community and I’m glad to be a part of it.
I also decided to add some fun by attaching a rating to each proposal, taking into account factors such as: The idea, how detailed it is, pricing, ability to convey the ideas to all nouns, etc.
This time around we’re looking at the latest 6 proposals. With less than 3 hours left to vote on one of them, I have to get cracking!
Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions based on how I believe the DAO should be using the treasury to achieve its goals. I made the decisions based first and foremost on the on-chain proposals.
Proposal 240 (Voting For):
Nounish Dataverse, open source data
As a non tech person I had a little bit of difficulty understanding what this proposal was putting forward. I wish they had gone more into detail on what the benefits are for the DAO and the ecosystem.
I also would’ve liked to see more information on the team. Who they are, what are the qualifications and how that justifies the funding ask.
I’m voting late on this one and it seems it’s going the other way, but I would be fine with taking a risk and investing in our infrastructure on this one. Hope to see a V2 here.
Prop Rating: 3/5
Proposal 241 (Voting For):
Functional Props (Take 2)
This is a V2 of proposal 238 with minimal modifications.
I stand by my comments on my previous newsletter, nothing new to add here.
Prop Rating: 2.5/5
Proposal 242 (Voting For):
House of Nouns v2 (revised)
I’m really glad that I can vote for on this one. House of Nouns is one of my most used tools as a new nouner and I’m happy to be able to support them here.
Last time around I voted against as the funding ask was too high and not compatible with what was being proposed. Looks like the team revised the budget and are proposing a fairer pricing.
The deliverables will be great additions for the Nouns ecosystem and it’s great that they are open-sourcing it too.
Prop Rating: 4/5
Proposal 244 (Voting Against):
Prop Lot: Where Ideas Find People
There are a couple of major issues with this proposal that makes me dislike this idea.
We have a hard time with active governance of nouns as is, I don’t see how there would be significant engagement of nouners on a secondary platform for early ideas.
I just don’t see the need for it. There are plenty of spaces that ideas can be discussed and shared before they grow into something bigger. And this happens already.
Also, I really dislike that the budget and team are detailed in 1 line… There needs to be more information on these topics. Who exactly is the team, what are their qualifications and why is the budget compatible with what is being proposed.
It seems that quite a few proposals just gloss over these crucial pieces of information, and as nouners we should impose a higher standard.
Prop Rating: 1/5
Proposal 245 (Voting For):
Nouns: A Movie
Absolute banger of a proposal. Making nouns content is one of the things I think the DAO should strive to heavily fund.
This proposal just hits all the boxes: Decentralized infrastructure; proven track record; fair ask and thorough proposal.
Thumbs up.
Prop Rating: 5/5
Proposal 246 (Voting Against):
Nouns Proposal Tracker
I really like this idea and it’s something the nouns ecosystem desperately needs.
That being said, the proposal suffers some of the same issues mentioned earlier in this newsletter.
I would like to see a lot more details on exactly how the platform would work. Maybe some images to illustrate initial design ideas and help us get a better picture of the final product.
Provenance. Even though he described his previous work, there is nothing on the on-chain prop for me to go on. That is not enough for me to trust this proposal and I don’t have time to go searching for outside info to cross check the information provided.
Prop Rating: 1.5/5
And with that we finish this issue. Thank you so much for reading through it.
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And if you disliked it you can call me out on twitter @lep0327